
Keyboard navigation menu with specific event functions.


Registers and caches a menu under the specified id.

lib.registerMenu(data, cb)
  • data: table (object)

    • id: string

    • title: string

    • options: table (array)

      • label: string

      • progress?: number

      • colorScheme?: string

      • icon?: string

        • FontAwesome icon that will be displayed on the left side, works the same as notification and textui icons.

        • Also supports image urls, png and webp files but are not recommend to use over font awesome icons.

      • iconColor?: string

      • values?: table (Array<string | {label: string; description: string}>)

        • If provided creates a side scrollable list.

        • When using object and setting description, the set description will be displayed in the menu tooltip.

      • checked?: boolean

        • Setting either true or false will make the button a checkbox, if values is also provided the button will be a scrollable list.

      • description?: string

        • Displays tooltip below menu on hovered item with provided description.

      • defaultIndex?: number

        • Sets the current index for the list to specified number.

      • args?: {[key: string]: any}

        • Allows you to pass any arguments through the button.

        • If the button has values then isScroll is automatically passed.

        • If the button has checked to either true or false then isCheck is automatically passed.

      • close?: boolean

        • If set to false, it won't close the menu upon interacting with this option.

    • position?: 'top-left' or 'top-right' or 'bottom-left' or 'bottom-right'

      • Default: 'top-left'

    • disableInput?: boolean

      • Default: false

    • canClose: boolean

      • If set to false the user won't be able to exit the menu without pressing one of the buttons.

    • onClose: function(keyPressed?: 'Escape' | 'Backspace')

      • Function that runs when the menu is exited via ESC/Backspace.

    • onSelected: function(selected: number, secondary: number | boolean, args: {[key: string]: any})

      • Function being ran when the selected button in the menu changes.

    • onSideScroll: function(selected: number, scrollIndex: number, args: {[key: string]: any})

      • Function ran whenever a scroll list item is changed.

    • onCheck: function(selected: number, checked: boolean, args: {[key: string]: any})

  • cb: function(selected: number, scrollIndex: number, args: {[key: string]: any})

    • Callback function when the menu item is pressed.


Displays the menu with the provided id.

  • id: string


  • onExit?: boolean

    • If true runs the menu's onClose function.


Returns the id of the currently open menu.



lib.setMenuOptions(id, options, index)
  • id: string

  • options: table (object or array)

  • index?: number

    • If specified only sets the options table on the specified options index.


Replaces the 3rd index option of the specified menu

lib.setMenuOptions('some_menu_id', {label = 'New option', icon = 'plus'}, 3)

Usage Example

First we register the menu with our specified options then we call the show function in the command.

    id = 'some_menu_id',
    title = 'Menu title',
    position = 'top-right',
    onSideScroll = function(selected, scrollIndex, args)
        print("Scroll: ", selected, scrollIndex, args)
    onSelected = function(selected, secondary, args)
        if not secondary then
            print("Normal button")
            if args.isCheck then
                print("Check button")

            if args.isScroll then
                print("Scroll button")
        print(selected, secondary, json.encode(args, {indent=true}))
    onCheck = function(selected, checked, args)
        print("Check: ", selected, checked, args)
    onClose = function(keyPressed)
        print('Menu closed')
        if keyPressed then
            print(('Pressed %s to close the menu'):format(keyPressed))
    options = {
        {label = 'Simple button', description = 'It has a description!'},
        {label = 'Checkbox button', checked = true},
        {label = 'Scroll button with icon', icon = 'arrows-up-down-left-right', values={'hello', 'there'}},
        {label = 'Button with args', args = {someArg = 'nice_button'}},
        {label = 'List button', values = {'You', 'can', 'side', 'scroll', 'this'}, description = 'It also has a description!'},
        {label = 'List button with default index', values = {'You', 'can', 'side', 'scroll', 'this'}, defaultIndex = 5},
        {label = 'List button with args', values = {'You', 'can', 'side', 'scroll', 'this'}, args = {someValue = 3, otherValue = 'value'}},
}, function(selected, scrollIndex, args)
    print(selected, scrollIndex, args)

RegisterCommand('testmenu', function()

Last updated